Garrett Trademark Registration in Pakistan
Beware of Counterfiet/Fake Products (View Document)

GARRETT has their Trademark registered in PAKISTAN. Garrett Electronics, Inc., USA has full right to take legal actions in court of law against those firms/vendors who are involved in import, supply of fake & counterfeit products using false brand name “GARRETT”.
We request to all our valued customers, buyers to share name, address & contact details of such vendors/firms, so that GARRETT can take stop then and take legal actions to counter their unethical activities.

Best Detectors on the market. All my hunting buddys use a different brand of Detector which I will not name here but I always end up with the best find of the day thanks to my AT Max and my new Apex.

Great products and even better customer service. I lost my speaker port plug in field and contacted them to buy a new one. They asked for address and in 3 days I had two for free. Was fully expecting and prepared to buy one and didn’t expect to just be given some.

I bought a Garrett AT PRO metal detector, and after it began to break down systematically, I tried to return the money in Ukraine. The service center and the trading company sent me by the forest.But thanks to the personal intervention of Jasmin Escobar (Customer Service Coordinator at Garrett Electronics), I managed to get the full amount back.